Friday, February 24, 2012

Medications that cause bone loss: long-term

Calcium: lack of calcium throughout life contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Thus, maintenance of proper levels of calcium in the body helps to prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Increase foods rich in calcium like low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream, dark green leafy lasix drug interactions vegetables, spinach, sardines and salmon with bones, almonds, and foods fortified with calcium such as orange juice , cereals and bread. Depending on how much calcium you get each day from food, you may need to take calcium. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone health. It is synthesized in the skin under the influence of early morning sun. Food sources of vitamin D include egg yolks, sea fish and liver. In addition, sufficient vitamin D can be obtained naturally from exposure to 15 minutes of sunlight each day. Exercise: weight-bearing exercise is best for the bones because it forces the work against gravity. Examples include walking, hiking, running, climbing stairs, weight lifting, tennis and dancing, which helps to build a castle of bones. How to Stop Smoking: Smoking is harmful to bones and heart and lungs. Women who smoke have lower estrogen levels compared with nonsmokers, and they often go through menopause earlier, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, smoking can lower the absorption of calcium from the diet. Alcohol: Regular consumption of 2 to 3 grams per day, alcohol can damage the skeleton, even in young women and men. Those who drink a lot more prone to bone loss and fractures, as well as poor nutrition and increased risk of falling.10 facts about the immune system Medications that cause bone loss: long-term use of glucocorticoids (medicines offered for a wide range of diseases including arthritis, asthma, Crohn's disease, lupus and other diseases of lung, kidney and liver) can lead to loss of bone density and fractures. Loss of bone mass may be the result of long-term treatment of some anticonvulsant drugs such as phenytoin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (LH), drugs for treatment of endometriosis, excessive use of aluminum-containing antacids, and certain cancer treatments and excessive thyroid hormone . It is important to discuss the use of these drugs with your doctor and not stop or change the dose of medication on your own. .

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