Friday, February 24, 2012

In symptomatic aa-deficient patients, replacement ...

Emphysema lung disease associated with destruction of lung tissue and irreversible expansion of the alveoli (air sacs) that supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. As the walls of the alveoli are gradually increasing, they lose their elasticity and have a reduced ability to force air from the lungs during exhalation. As a result, affected air bags may not properly fill with fresh air during inspiration and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the blood becomes impaired. This results in breathlessness that characterizes emphysema. Home emphysema gradually, with symptoms usually develops after 50 years, however, irreversible lung damage can occur long before symptoms become serious enough to warrant medical attention. Such damage is initiated by smoking or other lung irritants, leading to destruction of lung tissue. As chronic bronchitis, emphysema is a major lung disorders that are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Signs of emphysema shortness of breath. Shortness of breath. Cough (dry or wet). Fatigue. Losing weight. Barrel chest appearance. What is the cause of emphysema? Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. In 85 percent of emphysema develops in old smokers of cigarettes. Prolonged exposure to lung irritants such as industrial gases and dust, and live in areas with poor air quality and other factors associated with the development of emphysema. Emphysema may result from inherited deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT). This enzyme normally prevents the destruction of tissue in the lungs. Rare person missing this enzyme may develop emphysema at an early age, even if they do not smoke. Warning Emphysema only way to prevent emphysema to avoid smoking. Although almost all smokers suffering from lung damage, giving up smoking can prevent further deterioration of the lungs. Diagnosis of emphysema patients history and physical examination strongly suggest the diagnosis of emphysema. Pulmonary function tests that measure ability to verify patient breathing decreased lung function. Samples of arterial blood taken for measurement of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. X-ray or chest CT (computed tomography) scan will probably be necessary to show a slight injury, distinguishing emphysema from other forms of lung disease. A blood test can identify those rare individuals with alpha-1-antitrypsin. How to Treat Emphysema Quitting smoking only treatment that helps slow the progression of the disease. (There is no cure for emphysema.) Other lung irritants, including tobacco smoke, increase symptoms and should be avoided whenever possible. Moderate aerobic load help prevent a fall in physical condition associated with emphysema, and may improve the ability to load. Take measures to prevent chest infections such as frequent hand washing and pneumonia and influenza vaccination can reduce disease in patients with emphysema. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infections occur.

effects of emphysema
Class bronchodilatora medication that helps open airwaysmay be attributed to breathe more easily. The trial of oral or inhaled steroids may be established if broncholytic therapy is unsuccessful. Only about 20 percent of patients benefit from treatment with steroids as pulmonary function should be checked for signs of improvement. Steroids can be stopped if there is no objective evidence of improvement. Supplemental oxygen helps extend the life of patients with low levels of oxygen in the blood. Some patients may benefit from special exercises, which prepare the muscles for breathing. A doctor or physical therapist can give instructions lasix prescritpion on how to perform these exercises. In those with very advanced lung damage, lung transplant may be recommended. Another type of surgery, surgical lung reduction may reduce breathlessness and eliminate the need for oxygen in some patients. However, such operations are not widely known, and benefit only a limited number of patients with emphysema. In symptomatic AAT-deficient patients, replacement of alpha-1-antitrypsin therapy, which involves weekly intravenous infusions of AAT, derived from human plasma may slow the progression of the disease. When to seek medical advice Call your doctor if you feel short of breath or worsening symptoms of emphysema are more difficult. For more information on emphysema and related disorders, click on this link -

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