Friday, February 24, 2012

It causes cancer in humans and in animals.

Tar - used for asphalt roads. Arsenic - a very powerful lethal poison. Cadmium and nickel - in anabolic steroids Vinyl chloride - used for vinyl products. Short-term effect of causing dizziness, headaches and fatigue. Prolonged exposure can cause cancer and liver. Creosote - part of the resin. When inhaled it can cause respiratory tract irritation. Formaldehyde - a lasix 100 mg preservative substance used in forensic laboratories. It causes cancer in humans and in animals. Polonium 210 - radioactive substance that requires special processing techniques, when studied in the laboratory. It can cause liver cancer and bladder, stomach ulcers, leukemia, among other diseases. Ammonia - a colorless gas used in many acute detergents, such as windows or cleaning glasses. Acetone - the main component for removing nail polish. Acrolein - highly toxic substance used to produce acrylic acid. It is possible for a human carcinogen, and it irritates the lungs and causes emphysema. Hydrogen cyanide - deadly toxic poison used to kill rats. In case of inhalation of small doses it can cause headaches, dizziness and weakness. Carbon monoxide - a deadly gas if inhaled in enclosed spaces. Faulty and leaking gas heaters, boilers, stoves and tobacco smoke all produce this gas. Toluene - used to produce paints, solvents, paints, lacquers and nail glue. Low - moderate levels can cause fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and loss of memory. Although smokers are basically risk of suffering side effects of smoking, in fact, anyone who is regularly exposed to tobacco smoke on the risk of any smoking related diseases. Rooms, which prefer not to smoke, regardless of the reason is unfair that they are not protected from secondhand smoke and risk of potentially life-threatening diseases from foreign habits. .

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