Friday, February 24, 2012

Based on these observations, we recommend ...

Scientists believe that bisphosphonates inhibit the natural process of reconstruction in the body - where old bone is replaced with new, healthy tissue, in some, resulting in fragile bones prone atypical fractures, particularly hip. Researchers examined data on hip fractures 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 in patients over 45 years enrolled in a large California HMO. There were 126 patients with atypical femoral fractures who allegedly took bisphosphonates to their bones break. The frequency of these atypical hip fractures occurring in the other thigh was 53. 9 percent lasix 12.5mg of patients who continued bisphosphonates for three years or more after the first fracture, compared with 19. 3 percent in patients who discontinued the use of bisphosphonates. In general, these atypical fractures of the femur were reduced to 65. 6 percent when bisphosphonates were stopped for one year after the first fracture. "The risk of fracture kontralateralnoy atypical hip (on the opposite side) increases with time, if bisphosphonates lasts," said lead researcher Richard Dell, MD, researcher in the Department of Orthopedics at Kaiser Permanente. "Based on these observations, we suggest you stop using bisphosphonates as soon as possible after the first hip fracture was atypical." Dr.

Dell recommends that the current evaluation of these patients by means of X-ray or MRI, as they still are at risk for these, atypical fractures of the femur on the other. If the patient is at high risk for others, the study recommends the use of alternative medicines osteoporosis. Courtesy of the American Academy of orthopedic surgeons (:.

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